Don't know how we managed to get this but it's very interesting!

Sammi today at 152 days old.

Heisu on her new bike. It's a bit more grown up than her old one, which Sammi is set to inherit. An older photo of Heisu on her old bike is below. Heisu's Nan and Pop sent over her first bike. Photos of
them are
coming soon!
This bike came free, believe it or not, with nappies. And it was made in China. It seems to be safe enough in spite of all that. It has pedals as well as a thingummy which a big person can use to push it from behind. She can't pedal it herself yet so I have to push it. We went for a huge burl about the town in it today. She really loved it and she said to me "I like bicycle!"
That's me behind her without the head. And this is our street.

And here she is on her old bike!

The two sisters! If you click on these photers, hopefully you'll get a nice big clear image.

Sammi on her front. We put her there...she doesn't roll over yet. She's more interested in punching things with her fist, and putting her legs up vertically into the air. We reckon she's actually trying to sit up when she does that. She loves sitting up and watching what's going on around her. It makes her quiet during a bawling session, 'n' all.
NOTE: while we were in the process of editing and rewriting this entry we received this comment from this mysterious fellow,
"Your photo's are adorable.:)"
thankyou indeed! (it's our first comment ever!) Have a look at some of her/his sites here: